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Исторический статус Тибета Китая (исторический статус в Тибете, Китай)

 автор А Ван Цзявэй, Нима Цзянь похвалил

 Измененная цена А 32 Юань

 ISBNЧисло А 9787801133045

 вне  Версия  общество А Wuzhou Communication Press

 Дата публикации А Декабрь 2000 года

 Версия А 2

 Дата печати А 2000-12-1

 Количество страниц А 333

 Рамка А Оплата в мягкой обложке

In recent years,more and more foreing personnel are showing a concern about Tibet.In order to meet their needs,we have compiled this book based on the academic monorgraph Comments on the Historical Status of Tibet published in 1995 by the Nationalities Press.

Comments on the Historical Staqtus of Tibet expounds upon the close relations between the region fo Tibet and ancient China making use of rich and accurate historical materials,especially those showing that Tiber has been a part of Chinese territory since the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368).It forcefully denies the entire ideological system of"Tibetan independence"and,for the first time,systematically answers the theories put forward by the Dalai clique.The Chinese edition of this work has attracted great attention in China and was granted the 1996 Excellent Book Award in China.

  • Introduction
  • Глава Отношения между Ханом и Титанами во время династий Тан и Сун
  • Глава ⅱ Отношения между императором династии Юаней и принцем Дхармы Секья Сектан Буддизм
  • (1)Godan and Sapan
  • (2)Kublai and Pagba
  • Глава ⅲ Династия Мин Политика в отношении торговли и торговли, связанной с данию,
  • Глава e Связь суверена-субъекта между императором Цин Диности и Далай-ламой
  • (1)Emperors Shunzhi and Kangxi With the 5th Dalai Lama
  • (2)Emperors Kangxi,Yongzhen and Qianlong With the 6th and 7th Dalai Lamas
  • (3)Emperors Qianlong,Jiaqi8ng ,Daoguang and Tongzhi With the 8th-12th Dalai Lamas
  • (4)Emperors Guangxu and Xuantong With the 13th Dalai Lama
  • Глава Британское вторжение и рождение мифа о мифе"Tibetan Independence"
  • (1)First British Invasion
  • (2)Second British Invasion
  • (3)British Move to Cultivate Pro-British Froces in Tibet