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Mango Depilatory Cream Body Painless Effective Hair Removal

Цена: 3 327руб.    (¥185)
Артикул: 715652484772
Доставка по Китаю (НЕ включена в цену):
180 руб. (¥10)

Вес товара: ~0.7 кг. Указан усредненный вес, который может отличаться от фактического. Не включен в цену, оплачивается при получении.

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Name: Mango Depilatory Cream

Net Wt: 1.4 oz/40G

Product Features:

Contains mango extract, combined with an upgraded hair removal formula, does not irritate the skin, it is clean, long lasting, easy to remove or rinse, leaving your skin smooth and moisturized.



How to use?

1.After moistening the area that needs to be depilated with a mild wet towel.

2. Применить этот продукт равномерно к месту удаления волос, а затем равномерно протрите кремовые крема со специальным инструментом.

3.Usage amount should be fully covered with body hair(about 2 mm thick)and keep for 5-8minutes(depending on thickness of body hair).

4. Выступайте с особым инструментом (или используйте полотенце) вдоль противоположного направления роста волос, а затем очистите водой.

3.If the body hair does not fall off, you can stay for a few more minutes, the total time should not exceed 15 minutes;

4.Rinse the hair removal area with water immediately and apply other maintenance products after drying.


1. Can be used in armpits, legs, arms and other parts.

2. Do not use it on damaged skin such as rashes or sunburn. If there are adverse reactions, please stop using it.

3. Please try it on a small piece of skin before use. If there is no discomfort, it can be used normally.

4. This product contains calcium thioglycolate and calcium hydroxide. Please avoid contact with eyes, which may cause blindness and prevent children from grabbing.

Применимая кожа:

A variety of skin.


If you find the skin discomfort please stop using.

Storage Condition :

Please keep away from light to avoid direct sunlight