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Spot Divine изобилие карты Oracle Glimhellet Popult Card Оригинальная английская версия. 28

Цена: 3 525руб.    (¥196)
Артикул: 634915348081

Вес товара: ~0.7 кг. Указан усредненный вес, который может отличаться от фактического. Не включен в цену, оплачивается при получении.

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  • Резервирование-импорт английский версию 2-5 недель, чтобы получить доставку CF
  • Spot-Import English-Specing CF в течение 5 дней после Тайваня
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Другие товары этого продавца
¥1883 381руб.
¥2384 280руб.
¥2083 740руб.
¥2163 884руб.
Цвет: Резервирование-импорт английский версию 2-5 недель, чтобы получить доставку CF, Spot-Import English-Specing CF в течение 5 дней после Тайваня










Tosha Silver's message about money is counterintuitive, fresh and profoundly different from the way most of us approach money in our lives.

So many people push towards their financial goals, chase the means to meet their needs, yearn for the feeling of security that eludes them. Tosha takes a radical new approach: the key, she says, is let go of those desperate wishes and financial fears, and instead offer all of what you have and want and hope for to the Divine - whatever that means to you - in order to receive more freedom and abundance than you could have dreamed of.

This beautiful oracle deck offers a practical, soulful way to put Tosha's teachings into practice. Drawing inspiration from her book It's Not Your Money, the deck contains 51 quotes that will spur you to reflection specific aspects of your relationship with money, career, and abundance. Your own soul will guide you to the message you need that day, making you an open conduit for receiving these liberating concepts and helping you start to live them more completely. As you work with the deck, you'll find your mind expanding so that you can be abundance rather than chasing abundance.


  • Dimensions 100 x 140 x 30mm 270g
  • date 29 Dec 2020   (Hay House IncПолем