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Оригинальный датчик структуры портативный 3D -сканер линии питания адаптер Pro Pro

Цена: 7 147-8 938руб.    (¥149)
Артикул: 557414339730

Вес товара: ~0.7 кг. Указан усредненный вес, который может отличаться от фактического. Не включен в цену, оплачивается при получении.

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Цвет: Пятно адаптера мощности, Power Adapter Pro Spot, Power Adapter Pro Полное бронирование

   Power Adapter Pro

Did you know your Structure Sensor has a hidden feature? That feature is intelligent power logic, and it's enabled when you plug in Power Adapter Pro. When Power Adapter Pro is used, your Structure Sensor can both charge itself while simultaneously charging your iPad via the Lightning cable. Power Adapter Pro reduces cable clutter and saves space, and it's essential for installations and work where both Structure Sensor and iPad are used for extended periods of time.

Most sensors sold after October 13, 2015 are compatible. Dark Greysensors do not currently support Power Adapter Pro.